Tuesday, May 11 1756

In the morning I got up and went to Lewes. My brother, having lately strained his ankle, is become worse with stirring upon it a little yesterday; so he could not go with me. I got to Lewes about 8:30. I breakfasted at the white Horse in company with Mr Fletcher, Mr George Beard and Mr Relfe of Ripe. After breakfast I gave Mr Fletcher 1 bill… which I drew on Messrs Margesson and Collison, value 14.19.0 in full on account of Mr Samuel Ridings. I bought a parcel of goods of him, which I left at the White Horse. Paid Mr John Madgwick 5/1½ for goods bought today as under:

5/8 yd cloth0.4.4½
½ yd green napped0.0.9

I dined at Mr Isaac Hook’s on a leg of mutton and caper sauce (my family at home dining on the remains of yesterday’s dinner). After dinner I went to the White Horse where I smoked one pipe with Mr Fletcher and drank part of one pint of wine, which was all I drank the whole day. I looked out some earthenware at Mr William Roase’s. Spent 7d. Got home about 4:30. After I came home, I agreed with Robert Hook to take all his brother Jenner’s butter which he makes this year at 6d per pound, delivered here or at Lewes. I am to find crocks.

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