Just before churchtime Mr Stone called and bleeded me, upon which account I did not go to church (it being very cold). My wife and nephew at church in the forenoon. There was a brief read for the parish church of Dwygyfylchy in the County of Carnarvon, which Mr Burgess gathered for me and collected on the same 18d, and two pence I gave made collected in the whole 20d. We dined on the remains of yesterday’s dinner. No churching here this afternoon, Mr Porter preaching at Laughton. I lent James Marchant my horse to ride to Lewes upon. Thomas Durrant drank some coffee with us and stayed and smoked a pipe with me. In the evening and the day read pert of Wake’s Catechism. At home all day, and I think a very cold day, there being a very sharp frost in the morning.