Wednesday, October 25 1758

Rec’d of Mr Sam Durrant of Waldron in cash 16.16.0 in full for the rags which his nephew sold for me at Maidstone Fair… Paid a man at Mayfield 5/- for 2 fish dossere [baskets] which he left at my house for Edward Martin… About 4:30 I went up to Mr John Vine’s to the audit where I delivered to Mr John Vine two bills; viz.,

One for nails1.4.7½
One for goods delivered  on account of the audit1.13.1

for which I received of Mr John Vine his note of hand, payable to me or bearer on demand, value 2.17.6. I gave Mr Vine’s daughter according to custom 12d and came home very sober about 6:50. In the evening read part of Hervey’s Theron and Aspasio.

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