Friday, April 22 1757

In the morning I went down to Mr French’s in order to call him to go to Lewes to get two orders confirmed; viz., Tull’s and Hyland’s, where after staying some time, we proceeded on our journey to Lewes. We dined at Mrs Virgoe’s on a roast loin of mutton… Bought for my mother 3 lb of gunpowder, which cost me 4/6… We got both our orders confirmed and set out for our road home about 7:20, both very much in liquor. We lost ourselves in the Broyle where we walked some time, though not without disputing whose fault it was that was the occasion of our mistaking the way. But we at last found our way to Will Dicker’s, where we found Dr Stone and Richard Savage, both very drunk. We then fell out very much insomuch that I think Dr Stone and I were a-going to fighting, but I cannot recollect on what account unless it must be that we were both drunk and fools. We stayed there some time…