At home all day. My blister did not rise at all; my eye much the same. Sent Francis Smith by his man 40/-, which with £18 I paid him the 14th instant is in full for £20 which he paid unto Messrs Margesson and Collison for me last week. Moses came over again to see me. Nicholls at work for me today. This day balanced accounts with William Sinden and, with an iron-bound pail now had, there remains due to me 0.13.0¾ as below:
My bill on Sinden 1.19.4¾
Sinden’s bill on me for flour etc. 1.8.9
Iron-hooped pail 0.2.4
In the evening another blister laid on. Paid John Saxby for a forehead comb which he got at Lewes for me, 2d. Paid for bread and bagging 2d. Rec’d of Robert Hook 1 pr shoes, 5/6.