Paid Francis Smith in cash 11.13.3 for money he paid for me in London as under:
To Otway 10.0.0
To Stiller in full, 1 4 0
Pd tor 1 pr shoes and 1 pr pumps 0.9.3
Gave Francis Smith in cash £10 in part of money he is to pay in London for me this week. Doctor Snelling called on me and ordered a poultice of conserve of roses, and about 6 gr of camphor in each poultice, to be laid to my eye, with purging twice a week with sal glabuler [Glauber salts] and manna. George Richardson called on me. I gave him 1¼ yds silk and silk to have a bonnet made, all value n c o [?]. Mrs Diggens called on us. Moses came over after dinner to see us. Paid for bread etc. 2½d. Very busy all day. Thomas Nicholls at work for me today.