Tuesday, July 6 1762

…At home all day. In the evening my brother brought my horse again… Sam Jenner, calling on me in the evening, and it being late, lodged with me all night. One of my servants sat up with Mrs Burgess.

Who can think the anxiety of my mind at the thought of distressing [correctly, distraining, i.e., seizing certain goods belonging to) poor Darby! But what can I do? This seems the only chance I have for recovering a debt justly due to me of about £16.

The first law of nature I think will tell me I am doing no injustice. And should I neglect this opportunity, it appears as if I should never have such another. Therefore I think if I do not do it now, I am doing a piece of injustice both to myself and creditors. So I am constrained by near necessity to put my bill of sale in execution. Notwithstanding which, there is something in the thought of distressing a fellow creature that my mind as it were recoils at.

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