Sunday, August 22 1762

Rec’d of Mr Thomas Carman…6.9.0 in full for the same sum he received yesterday of Mr Will Michell for poor tax assessed upon his Grace the Duke of Newcastle for Halland House and woodlands by a poor rate made the 9th instant. I also received of Mr Carman 1.2.6 for his poor tax due from the same rate…

Myself and servant at church in the morning… I dined on a cold beef pie and cucumbers. Myself and servant at church in the afternoon… Mr and Mrs Carman and their son drank tea with me, as did also Thomas Durrant. After Mr Carman was gone, Thomas Durrant, Mr Tipper and myself took a walk for a little air, it being a pleasant evening.

In the afternoon and evening I read two of Tillotson’s sermons. This day a prayer of thanksgiving was read for her Majesty’s happy delivery, as was also the young prince prayed for in the service. A melancholy time — no pleasant or agreeable companion to spend even a few minutes with. All, all is melancholy and dismal sadness.

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