Sunday, October 24 1762

No service at our church today, it being a-repairing. A prodigious wet forenoon, so it was almost impossible to get to any other church. I dined on a piece of beef roasted.

In the afternoon Mr Tipper, Thomas Durrant and myself rode to Laughton Church where we heard a sermon preached by the curate of Laughton from John 1:12: “But as many as received him, to them gave he gave power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name.” After churchtime we walked down to Mr Shoesmith’s, where we drank tea and stayed a pipe. Came home about 7:50 very sober. Spent 4d where we put up our horses.

In the evening read part of Hervey’s Theron and Aspasio. A very wet night. Mr Tipper sat with me in the evening.

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