Monday, November 22 1762

Sam Jenner and Pat, Mr Coates’s servant, dined with me on a piece of pork and bacon boiled, turnips, potatoes and an apple pudding. At home all day. One of Mr Porter’s servant drank tea with me. In the evening wrote my London letters.

Sam Jenner went to Lewes for me today and, coming home in the evening, lodged at my house. Not very well in the evening, but very little to do all day.

Sunday, November 21 1762

Myself and servant both at church in the morning… I dined on the remains of yesterday’s dinner with the addition of some sausages broiled. Myself and servant at church in the afternoon…

Sam Jenner drank tea with me, and he, Mr Tipper and Thomas Durrant spent the evening with me, to whom I read 1 of Torriano’s as also one of Bishop Beveridge’s sermons. Sam Jenner, being to go to Lewes for me tomorrow, lodged with me. A very cold frosty day.

Tuesday, November 16 1762

…Dame Akehurst, a-washing for me all day, dined with me on a piece of beef boiled and potatoes. At home all day and pretty busy. A very cold frosty day…

Paid Dame Akehurst 18d for 2 days’ washing. In the evening busy a-writing and read part of Butler’s Posthumous Works. How glad should I be to get off that melancholy gloom which continually hangs on my mind.

Monday, November 15 1762

Dame Akehurst a-washing for me all day and dined with me on the remains of yesterday’s dinner with the addition of an apple pudding and potatoes…

In the evening wrote my London letters… Rec’d of the widow Prall 12/-; rec’d of Will Wenham 12/-, both of which are in full for the same sum assessed on them by a poor rate made the 9th August last. At home all day and very busy. A most prodigious cold frosty day. Dame Akehurst lodged with my servant. Paid Mr French 13½d for 9 lbs beef bought of him today for Dame. Burrage.