John Tichoner being at work for me today, dined with me on a rabbit pudding, green peas and the remains of yesterday’s dinner. At home all day. In the evening wrote my London letters. Joseph Fuller Jr smoked a pipe with me in the evening.
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Sunday, July 25 1762
In the morning Sam Washer made me a present of a couple of young rabbits, and also in the morning my brother William came to see me. He and John Tichoner dined with me on a piece of cold roast beef, a rabbit pudding, two boiled tench and French beans.
No service at our church in the morning, Mr Porter preaching at Mayfield. Myself and both servants at church in the afternoon… My brother stayed and drank tea with me and then went home.
Saturday, July 24 1762
…In the afternoon Thomas Fuller made me a present of a brace of tench. In the evening my brother came over, but did not stay. This day witnessed and filled up a bond for Mr Porter to Thomas Emery for £130 at 4.10.0 percent per annum interest.
Friday, July 23 1762
…Rec’d of Ben Shelley in cash 19d, which, with 19/8 he paid for me as under, is in full for the same sum he received for horse hair sold for me:
To money paid for a set of china | 0.12.0 |
To Mr John Bealson in full on my account | 0.7.8 |
Rec’d in cash today. | 0.1.7 |
1.1.3 | |
To 30 lbs short horse hair sold at 5d a lb | 0.12.6 |
To 10½ lbs dock at 10d | 0.8.9 |
1.1.3 |
At home all day, but not very busy. In the evening read part of Young’s Night Thoughts.
Thursday, July 22 1762
…Samuel Jenner breakfasted with me and dined with me on a beef pudding and French beans with the remains of yesterday’s dinner. At home all day. In the afternoon wrote out some bills.
Wednesday, July 21 1762
…Sam Jenner, being out today about some business for me, lodged at my house.
Tuesday, July 20 1762
In the forenoon I went to church with Mr Carman’s daughter, for which I stood godfather in company with Mrs Vine the younger and Mrs Piper. We then walked down to Mr Carman’s, where I dined in company with Mr and Mrs Porter, Mr Aaron Winton and his wife, two Mr Clarks, Mr Piper and Mrs Vine, on a leg of lamb boiled, a roasted pig, 4 chicken roasted, a boiled ham, a currant suet pudding and a plain flour pudding, carrots and cabbage (my family at home dining on the remains of yesterday’s dinner with some French beans).
We stayed and drank tea at Mr Carman’s, and I came home in company with Mr and Mrs Porter about 8:15, as sober as when I went from home. Gave the maid 12d and the nurse 2/-. In the evening read part of Young’s Night Thoughts. A very remarkable dry time; a more remarkable dry time for money and scarceness of trade.
N.B.: The child was named Susanna.
Monday, July 19 1762
In the mornings rode to Lewes again concerning Darby’s affairs. Came home about 9:50. Spent 5d upon my horse and turnpike neither eating or drinking myself during my journey. I dined on a chick roasted and some French beans. In the evening wrote my London letters. Very little to do all day… [38 words omitted].
Sunday, July 18 1762
No service at our church in the morning, Mr Porter preaching at Mayfield. I dined on a chick pudding and green peas.
In the afternoon my servants and self both at church where we had a sermon preached by the Rev Mr Philips, curate of Maresfield, Mr Porter preaching at Mayfield, from I Peter 4:18: “And if the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear?” Sam Jenner and Mr Mick Stone drank tea with me. In the evening read one of Tillotson’s sermons.
Saturday, July 17 1762
In the forenoon an acquaintance of one of my servants came to see her and brought me a present of some mackerel and a fine lobster and dined with me on some boiled mackerel, green peas and a cold sheep’s heart pie. He stayed and drank tea at my house and then went away. My brother came over in the afternoon and stayed with me some time…