Wednesday, December 1 1756

At home all day. My brother Sam Slater stayed all day… Mrs Diggens called at our house (after she had delivered the wife of Thomas Daw), but did not stay. Thomas Davy spent the evening with us, and he and I played at cribbage; I won 1d. This day I was sent for down to the widow Pilfold, whom I found very ill. I ordered her to be watched with, and proper care taken of her. This day a meeting at Jones’s of the gentlemen of Laughton and some of the principal gentlemen of this parish.

Tuesday, November 30 1756

My brother Moses came over in the forenoon to bring me some white linsey, but did not stay. We dined on the remains of Sunday’s dinner with the addition of some onion sauce. Just as we had dined my brother Sam Slater came in. He dined on some rashers of bacon and eggs. After dinner I went up to Mr Piper’s with some goods. I sent Francis Smith (by Joseph Page) in cash 5.5.0… Sam Slater and we spent the evening together at my house.

Monday, NOvember 29 1756

At home all day… In the evening wrote my London letters and sent Mr John Crouch a bill… value £10. I this day received of Mr Porter one bill on Messrs Swainstone and Hedges… value: 16.14.9½, for which I gave him my note of hand… I enclosed the above bill in a letter which I sent to Messrs Margesson and Collison (on account). In the evening Thomas Davy sat with us an hour or two, to whom I read 2 of Tillotson’s sermons.

Saturday, November 27 1756

Paid Clymson the glover at Jevington in cash 11/8 in full for goods received from him today… In the afternoon my brother came over with a waistcoat for Charles Vine and drank tea with us. I gave him a bill…payable to my mother…value 13.3.9, which…is in full for her wool which I sent to London the 31st August by Smith, which sum was paid to Messrs Margesson and Collison on my account. At home all day; in the day read part of Locke’s Essay on Human Understanding, and in the evening read 2 of Tillotson’s sermons. Received of Will Eldridge 4/1½ on account.

Friday, November 26 1756

In the morning walked up to Mr John Vine Jr’s to beg of his wife (he not being at home) to stop 5/11½ of his servant Joseph Fitness for me, which Mrs Vine assured me her husband should secure for me… At home all day except as before mentioned. In the evening read 3 of Tillotson’s sermons. This day there was a thaw of the frost which had continued about 10 days.

Wednesday, November 24 1756

In the morning my brother came over and went and took measure of Charles Vine for a waistcoat and came back and breakfasted with us. This day I paid Francis Smith in cash 1.13.6½ for money he paid in London for me… I also gave him in cash 22.16.0 to pay in London for me this week. This day received of Mr Peter Adams–at last–14.13.10 in full, and I also paid him 6d in full for 1 peck of oats and all demands. Mr Snelling called on us and dined with us on the remains of Sunday’s dinner with the addition of some pea broth. I also paid him 5/- in full for opening one of my temple arteries on Sunday the 10th October. Mr Snelling stayed with us till about 4 o’clock. …In the evening read 2 of Tillotson’s sermons. Thomas Davy sat and chatted with us in the evening about 2 hours. This day Mr John Hall called on us in his way to Berwick, but did not stop. The frost continues very hard.