Saturday, May 15 1756

At home all day. This day I resigned up my school to Francis Elless. We dined on the remains of Wednesday’s dinner. In the afternoon my brother Moses came over and took up a suit of clothes for Peter Adams’s son. In the evening read part of the Freeholder where I find the following quotation from Seneca when he is advising the fair sex to abstain from interfering with politics: “I will discover to you a philter that has neither drug nor simple nor enchantment in it: Love, if you would raise Love.” The motto of the Rt Hon Lord Chancellor Somers: “Useful rather than conspicuous.” The Freeholder gives my lord a most exalted character for virtue, humility and wisdom.

Friday, May 14 1756

Friday, May 14: At home all day. My brother William came to see us. He dined with us on the remains of Wednesday’s dinner with a few ratios [rasher] of pork. I appointed to go to Uckfield Fair, but my brother’s coming prevented my going. In the afternoon Thomas Cornwell, Thomas Durrant and myself sued my pond in the orchard and caught two small perch only. My brother went away about 10:15. In the afternoon I was sent for over to Mrs Virgoe’s to talk with Mr Thomas Tourle Jr who has a mortgage on Mrs Virgoe’s house of £100 at 3½ percent per annum. There is now about 2½ years’ interest due, and he seems to be very impatient for his interest, so is to have the whole 3 years’ interest paid when it becomes due, or otherwise (he was so kind as to tell Mrs Virgoe) he should enter upon the house.

Thursday, May 13 1756

At home all day…In reading Homer’s Odyssey, I think the character which Menelaus gives Telemachus of Ulysses, when he is speaking of his war-like virtues in the 4th book, is very good.

“Heroes in various climes myself have found…

[4 lines omitted]

Wise to resolve and patient to perform.”

And again Telemachus says in the 395th line:

“’Inclement fate! ‘Telemachus replies,

‘Frail is the boasted attribute of wise.’”

Wednesday, May 12 1756

We dined on the shoulder of veal bought on Saturday last, stuffed and baked in the oven with a flour pudding under it. James Rabson, Martin and Gower of Laughton drank tea with us, they buying a great many things. About 6 o’clock Joseph Fuller and I went and took an account of Thomas Tester’s goods, which we valued at about 6.13.0, though I believe it is justly worth £8, and then not over-valued. We called at Master Piper’s and smoked 2 pipes and drank part of 2 bottles of beer. I also called in at Joseph Fuller’s, but did not stop. Came [–] about 9:30. I this day lent Joseph Durrant my horse to go to Berwick upon….

Tuesday, May 11 1756

In the morning I got up and went to Lewes. My brother, having lately strained his ankle, is become worse with stirring upon it a little yesterday; so he could not go with me. I got to Lewes about 8:30. I breakfasted at the white Horse in company with Mr Fletcher, Mr George Beard and Mr Relfe of Ripe. After breakfast I gave Mr Fletcher 1 bill… which I drew on Messrs Margesson and Collison, value 14.19.0 in full on account of Mr Samuel Ridings. I bought a parcel of goods of him, which I left at the White Horse. Paid Mr John Madgwick 5/1½ for goods bought today as under:

5/8 yd cloth0.4.4½
½ yd green napped0.0.9

I dined at Mr Isaac Hook’s on a leg of mutton and caper sauce (my family at home dining on the remains of yesterday’s dinner). After dinner I went to the White Horse where I smoked one pipe with Mr Fletcher and drank part of one pint of wine, which was all I drank the whole day. I looked out some earthenware at Mr William Roase’s. Spent 7d. Got home about 4:30. After I came home, I agreed with Robert Hook to take all his brother Jenner’s butter which he makes this year at 6d per pound, delivered here or at Lewes. I am to find crocks.

Monday, May 10 1756

I was sent for down to Mr Porter’s in the morning to inform Francis Elless, the person who is intended to take the school, when I choose to resign it, and I agreed to the 17th instant. We dined on a knuckle of the shoulder of veal bought on Saturday, a piece of pork and greens. Sent Francis Smith by his man T. Hemsley in cash £18, which he is to pay in London for me. I also sent him in bad half-pence 6d. Borrowed of John Watford hay for 1 horse tonight. My brother came over about 7 o’clock in order to go to Lewes with me tomorrow to meet Mr Fletcher, Mr Samuel Ridings’ rider; my brother stayed all night.

Sunday, May 9 1756

My wife, self and maid at church in the morning… We dined on the remains of Thursday’s and Friday’s dinners. After dinner Thomas Fuller and I walked over to Framfield; he went to church, but I did not. We found there my brothers Richard and William. I received of my mother 7.10.2 for goods I bought of Mr Ridings for her. I came home by Master Elphick’s to look on his wheat. We got home about 7 o’clock. I gave Master Darby’s man 12d for catching up my little horse. Gave 2d to a church brief. Thomas Davy at our house in the evening. I read to him the 1st of Tillotson’s sermons.

Friday, May 7 1756

We dined on the remains of yesterday’s dinner with the addition of a piece of pork, batter pudding and greens. After dinner we sent our maid to Uckfield with a letter to acquaint my father Slater of Mr Fletcher’s coming to Lewes, and also with one for my mother to be left as she went along. This day I posted Mr John Crouch’s account wherein I find a mistake made by him of 1.18.1 in his favor. Accordingly wrote to him about it to send by the post tomorrow. My wife read to me in the evening 4 numbers of the Freeholder.

Thursday, May 6 1756

At home all day. We dined on a piece of boiled beef, pork, batter pudding and greens. Mrs Vine Sr, Ann, Bab and Chris Vine drank tea with us. Posted some London accounts in the afternoon. Rec’d a letter from Mr Stephen Fletcher to acquaint me that he shall be at Lewes with Mr Ridings’ horses on Monday the 10th instant and open the 11th, morning. In the evening read part of the 6th volume of the Universal Magazine.