Monday, November 17 1755

Rec’d of Mr James Hutson 9/5¼ in full for the heirs of Mr Thomas Thompsett… Gave Francis Smith in cash 24.1.0… which he is to pay for me in London. This day sent Mr Joseph Jewson a bill valued 6.3.0 in full to this day… At home all day. Cut out 10 round frocks. Mrs Virgoe supped with us on a roast pig. A very violent tempest of thunder, lightning, hail and rain between 6:30 and 9:45.

Sunday, November 16 1755

In the morning my wife and I went over to Framfield and dined there. Rec’d of my mother 20d for the pint of tent James Fuller bought for me yesterday at Lewes. Drew on Messrs Margesson and Collison… £16 on account for my mother. Rec’d of her in part of the above bill £15. The balance remaining due to Mr Pooley from my mother is £20. Came home about 6:15. Gave Philip 1d.

Thursday, November 13 1755

An acre of land was first fixed to be 40 poles in length and 4 in breadth, or 160 square poles, by a statute of 31st of Edward the first, or in the year of 1301. The six ages of the world are as under: 1st from the creation of the world to the deluge, being 1656 years; the 2nd from the deluge to Abraham’s coming into the land of promise in 2082, containing 426 years; the 3rd from Abraham’s entrance into the promised land to the deliverance of the Hebrews out of Egypt in the year of the world 2525, including 430 years; the 4th from the going out of Egypt to the foundation of Solomon’s temple in the year of the world 2992, being 479 years; the 5th from Solomon’s laying the foundation of the Temple to the Babylonish captivity in the year of the world 3416, containing 424 years; the 6th from the Babylonish captivity to the birth of Jesus Christ, which happened in the year of the world 4,000 and includes 584 years.

After dinner was sent for over to Framfield. I found my mother very bad. Came home about 8:10. Paid for bread ½d. Gave Richard Fuller 6d for cleaning their horse.

Wednesday, November 12 1755

At home all day. Paid for butter 3d; paid for milk ½d. Rec’d of Joseph Fuller 1 bullock’s heart worth about 8d. In the evening went down to Mr Porter’s to talk to him about Mrs Virgoe’s affairs. Paid Elizabeth Mepham by Lucy Mepham 5/- for the making of 10 round frocks. Finished posting my day book in the evening.