Saturday, May 15 1762

My worthy friend Mr John Breeden called and breakfasted with me, and I received of him 2.18.0 in full. He being a-going to London, he borrowed my horse and left me his. My father Slater called on me about 11:10 and stayed and dined with me…as did also Thomas Durrant. I paid my father Slater the guinea I borrowed of him yesterday.

After dinner I rode with him for company to Framfield. I stayed and drank tea with my brother and sister and came home about 7:05, sober… Joseph Fuller and Thomas Durrant smoked a pipe with me in the evening. Thank God pretty busy all day. Oh, how pleasant is the season of the year. All nature wears the livery, as it were, of gaiety.

Friday, May 14 1762

Thomas Durrant breakfasted with me. In the morning my brother came over… Mr Terry, rider to Messrs Kendall and Rushton, called on me, to whom I gave a small order.

In the forenoon my father Slater came to see me in his road to. Lewes, and I rode with him to Lewes where I paid Mrs Roase in cash 6.4.6 in full… My father Slater being in a hurry, I dined nowhere… I borrowed of my father Slater in cash 1 guinea…

Came home about 10:10 (my father staying at Lewes), but I wish I were so happy as to have in my power to say I came home sober. For what with going without victuals and calling with my father at so many places, the liquor soon crept into my poor shallow brains. Oh, how do I lament my want of resolution in this particular! It is not, I am sure, the love of liquor that entices me to be guilty of this folly; no, it is not, but an easy and foolish modesty that occasions it. But however once more I will try and see if I cannot get the better of it, for I will drink nothing strong.

Thursday, May 13 1762

…In the afternoon Mr Porter’s children drank tea with me. This day was played at the common belonging to this parish a match of cricket between 11 boys of this parish and 11 boys of Laughton parish, which was won by our youth with great ease. In the evening Thomas Durrant and I walked out a little way for a walk, it being a very fine evening…

Monday, May 10 1762

In the forenoon Mr Joseph Fuller Jr and I rode to the fair at Horsebridge, in order to sell my horse and he to buy stock. We dined at a public house on some roast beef… Came home about 8:50, sober. In the evening I wrote my London letters. A very fine pleasant day as is common for the season of the year. My servant very busy in my absence.

Sunday, May 9 1762

Myself and both servants at church in the morning… We had a brief read for rebuilding the parish church of Packington, alias Lackington, in the county of Leicester, the expenses of which amounted to the sum of £1013 and upwards, to which collection I gave 3d. I dined on the remains of yesterday’s dinner. No service at our church in the afternoon, Mr Porter preaching at Mayfield. My servants both walked to Waldron Church, and in the afternoon I took a walk out, but to no one particular place. In the afternoon I read part of Young’s Night Thoughts…

Saturday, May 8 1762

In the morning my brother came over and breakfasted with me, but did not stay… Rec’d of his Grace the Duke of Newcastle from Will Michell Esq by Mr Thomas Carman 24.15.0 in full for land and window tax due for Halland House and woodlands at St Michael last.

At home all day and thank God very busy. Mr Ellesy, Joseph Fuller and Sam Jenner smoked a pipe with me in the evening.