Wednesday May 5 1762

…In the forenoon my old friend Mr Thomas Scrase called on me, but did not stay… Bett Mepham drank tea with me. In the evening walked up to Mr John Vine’s to receive my audit bill, but could not get the money, notwithstanding I stayed several hours; but, however, I cannot say I came home quite sober.

A very dull heavy time for trade. Posted part of my day book. Rec’d of Mrs Browne’s servant 36/- and by a land tax receipt 10/-, which I paid the steward at the audit together with 15/3 of my own money which she is debtor to me for, and which is in full for ½ year’s rent on her account at St Michael last.

Tuesday, May 4 1762

…In the afternoon posted part of my day book. In the evening Joseph Fuller and I walked down to see Mr Carman where we stayed and supped on some boiled sausages and came home about 9:50 very sober. Lent Mr Jeremiah French in cash 5.5.0, for which he gave me not any note. A very windy cold day, and really a very dull time for trade–I think more so than I ever knew before at this season of the year.

Monday, May 3 1762

In the afternoon walked up to Mr Vine’s… I dined on some bullock’s sweetbread and liver fried with the addition of the remains of yesterday’s dinner and green salad.

In the evening went down to Jones’s, there being a vestry to consult about repairing the inside of the church, when it was unanimously agreed by all present to repair the same according to the estimate delivered in by Mr John Vine and Mrs Browne, with such alterations as the rector and churchwarden shall think proper.

Sunday, May 2 1762

Myself and both servants at church in the morning… I dined on a veal pudding. No service at our church in the afternoon, Mr Porter preaching at Ripe. Myself, one servant, Thomas Durrant, Molly Fuller and Sam Jenner walked to Little Horsted Church where we heard an extreme good sermon preached by the Rev Mr Philips, curate of Horsted and Maresfield, from Matthew 5:20: “For I say unto you, That except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven.” We came home round by Sam Jenner’s, where we stayed and drank tea. we came home about 6:40. An extreme pleasant walk and sure as fine a day as can be for the season of the year.

Monday, April 26 1762

In the forenoon Mr Will Francis called on me; I paid him… 35.12.0 in full on my account with Messrs Barlow, Wigginton and Francis. My brother came over in the forenoon and dined with me on a shoulder of veal roasted and stuffed.

After dinner my brother and I set out for Seaford where we went with the view of being at a sale advertised today, but when we came there, the gentleman (Mr Samuel Winter) his affairs were made up. We came home round by Lewes where we spent the evening at the Star and supped in company with Mr Francis and my old friend George Richardson. I came home very sober about 11:50…