Monday, April 26 1762

In the forenoon Mr Will Francis called on me; I paid him… 35.12.0 in full on my account with Messrs Barlow, Wigginton and Francis. My brother came over in the forenoon and dined with me on a shoulder of veal roasted and stuffed.

After dinner my brother and I set out for Seaford where we went with the view of being at a sale advertised today, but when we came there, the gentleman (Mr Samuel Winter) his affairs were made up. We came home round by Lewes where we spent the evening at the Star and supped in company with Mr Francis and my old friend George Richardson. I came home very sober about 11:50…

Sunday, April 25 1762

In the morning about 5:15 I set out on foot with Thomas Davy in order to accompany him to Mr Burgess’s at Rotherfield to consult him in some affairs relating to Davy’s wife’s estate. We breakfasted at Mr Burgess’s and came home about 12:40.

No churching at our church this morning, Mr Porter preaching at Ripe. One of my servants went to Chiddingly Church in the morning. I dined on the remains of yesterday’s dinner with the addition of a knuckle of veal boiled, a piece of pork and some turnip greens. Myself and both servants at church in the afternoon… After churchtime I walked up to James Fuller’s, where I went to read over some writings. I drank tea there and after tea I, in company with Mr Thornton, took a walk. In the evening lent Thomas Davy in cash 3.3.0.

Saturday, April 24 1762

…At home all day and pretty busy. balanced accounts. with Sarah Prall and paid her 15½d in full. Oh, how intolerable is the heavy burthen of an unpleasant mind!

In the evening balanced accounts with Joseph Fuller Jr. Paid him 10/- for a year’s interest due on a note of hand of mine about the beginning of March last. In the above account I paid Joseph Fuller Jr for all the meat I have received of his father to this day.