Thursday, October 14 1762

I dined on the remains of yesterday’s dinner. Thomas Durrant and James Marchant, coming to take up cloths, drank tea with me. My brother came over in the evening, and he, Mr Carman, Joseph Fuller Jr, Thomas Durrant and Mr Tipper smoked a pipe or 2 with me and drank 4 bottles or so of cider with me.

Rec’d of Mr Richard Bristed in cash 3.9.0 in full for the same sum assessed of on him for poor tax by a poor rate made the 9th August last… At home all day and pretty busy. Posted part of my day book; wrote some letters.

Sunday, October 10 1762

I breakfasted at Joseph Durrant’s. At church in the morning… I stayed the communion and gave 6d. I dined at Joseph Fuller’s on a piece of beef roasted, a neck of mutton boiled and a piece of pork, potatoes and turnips and an apple pudding. At church in the afternoon…

Sam Jenner drank tea with me, he and Joseph Fuller, Mr Tipper and Thomas Durrant sat with me a while in the evening, to whom I read two of Tillotson’s sermons. My servant came home in the evening. Not very well in the afternoon; being so confined, together with the anxiety of mind, I am fearful will greatly impair my health.

Friday, October 8 1762

In the morning my servant went to see her friends and my old servant Mary Martin came to see me, and she and Bett Mepham drank tea with me; that is, breakfasted with me.

Sam Jenner at work for me today; he and my late servant dined with me on a piece of neck of lamb and a piece of beef boiled, cabbage and turnips. My old servant and Dame Seaman and Dame Hedger, who had bought many things in the shop, drank tea with me. My old servant went home in the evening.

My brother came over in the evening… Thomas Durrant supped and lodged with me all night… At home all day and very busy, but a very melancholy time for money. In the forenoon walked down to Halland with Mr Coates’s bill.

Wednesday, October 6 1762

Paid Mr Joseph Fuller 15½ d for the following meat bought of him today:

1 breast mutton 2¾ lbs for Dame Burrage0.0.8
1 neck of lamb 2½ lbs for myself0.0.7½

I dined on the best part of the neck of lamb roasted in the oven and a batter pudding under it. John French, James Marchant and Mr Long drank tea with me. In the evening I and Mr Tipper played a few games of cribbage; I won of him 4d. At home all day and thank God pretty busy.

Tuesday, October 5 1762

I dined on the remains of yesterday’s dinner with the addition of a raisin suet pudding, a piece of pork and turnips. Ann Henly drank tea with me. At home all day and not at all well. Paid Joseph Fuller Jr in cash £20, which with the £20 paid him yesterday is together the sum of £40 and is in full for the same sum he paid Mr William Margesson on my account the 23rd ult. Joseph Fuller smoked a pipe or two with me in the evening. Pretty busy all day.