Saturday, April 10 1762

Paid Ken Shelley in cash 3.13.4 in full for the same sum he paid in London for me; viz.,

The 7th instant to Mr John Levy in full on my account

To a skin parchment0.10.0
For 50 leaves of gold0.3.0

Rec’d from my brother Moses by Philip in cash 2.14.6 in order to pay the same in London for him next week. In the afternoon walked down to Halland. Very busy all day. In the evening Joseph Fuller Jr smoked a pipe with me.


Good Friday, April 9 1762

In the morning rode over to Framfield where I breakfasted with my brother. I came home about 8:50. Myself and 1 servant at church in the morning; the text in the latter part of the 21st verse and the 22nd verse of the 2nd chapter of the 1st Epistle of St Peter: “Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps: Who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth.” I dined on the remains of yesterday’s dinner.

After dinner I rode to Lewes. I drank tea with Mr Madgwick and paid him the bill I received of Joseph Fuller…I paid Mr Faulkner Bristow 5.8.0 in full. Paid Mr Madgwick 0.1.10½ for some trifling things bought of him today. Came home safe and sober about 8:50… Called at Halland as I came home…

Thursday, April 8 1762

…I dined on some beef bones boiled and a plain suet pudding and some greens. Very busy all day. In the evening went down to Whyly where I drank tea. Came home about 7:20 in company with Mr Porter.

Rec’d of the widow of Francis Rich by the order of Mr John Crowhurst and by the payment of James Bull 11/- in full. In the evening Sam Jenner sat with me some time. Oh, the pleasure of a busy trading day!

Tuesday, April 6 1762

…In the forenoon walked up to the house of John Elless where was a sale of household goods. I received of him by goods and cash 5/- in full on his account to this day. I dined on the remains of yesterday’s dinner with the addition of a piece of pork boiled and a raisin suet puddings.

In the afternoon walked up to Mr Vine’s with some goods, where I stayed and drank tea. Rec’d of Edward Foord in cash 1.18.9 in full on account of the trust relating to Mr Will Piper deceased… Received of the late Sarah Mott 4/- by the payment of her mother. Pretty busy all day. A most remarkable fine day. In the evening read part of The Universal Magazine for March wherein I see some things very curious and really worth reading.

Sunday, April 4 1762

Myself and both servants at church in the morning… We had a brief read for rebuilding the church of Charlton in the Parish of Market Bosworth in the County of Leicester, the expense of which amounted to the sum of £1102 and upwards, to which collection I gave 1d. I dined on a calf’s heart pudding and some turnip greens. Myself and both servants at church in the afternoon… we bad a thanksgiving prayer read today for the success attending his Majesty’s arms in the reduction of that important island Martinique, which has lately surrendered unto his Majesty’s general etc. employed in the expedition against that island.

After dinner Sam Jenner and Thomas Davy drank tea with me, and after tea we took a walk. Came back home about 7:20; he sat with me a while in the evening and I read him one of Sterne’s sermons. Samuel Jenner lodged at my house all night. A very warm pleasant day according to the season of the year.

Saturday, April 3 1762

…I dined on the remains of yesterday’s dinner with the addition of some calf’s liver and rashers of pork fried. Paid Mr Porter in cash 50.15.0, it being in full for the same sum due to this parish for principal and interest due on a bond from Mr Will Piper deceased; that is, Mr Piper and Joseph Burgess were jointly bound for £100. Mr Burgess has already paid his part of the bond, and now I have paid the other part as one of the devisees of Mr Piper and have accordingly taken up the said bond. It was for a legacy left to the poor of this parish by Mr Sam Atkins deceased.

At home all day and thank God pretty busy. In the evening read part of The Royal Magazine for March and drew up a petition for this parish to present to Mr Michell.

Friday, April 2 1762

After breakfast Joseph Fuller and I walked up to the dwelling house of the late Thomas Fuller where we took an inventory, or rather a list, of his effects; the stock-in-trade, utensils, furniture in the house, husbandry tackle, stock etc., debts excepted, amounted to 152.19.7. And I dare say we valued it at £50 under the real worth, was it to-be sold. We dined there on a piece of beef boiled, a butter pudding cake and greens, my servants at home dining on the remains of yesterday’s dinner. As I came home I stopped and smoked a pipe with Joseph Fuller…

Thursday, April 1 1762

In the morning walked down to Halland with some goods where I received of Mr Coates 14/- in full of all demands due from the widow Smith of Laughton, deceased. I also received 24/- for the widow Browne on the same account and 2/6 for Josias Smith of Waldron on the same account. Charles Diggens coming to take up Mr Coates’s livery, he stayed and dined with me… In the afternoon posted Mrs Browne’s day book, who stayed and drank tea with me… Thank God pretty busy all day and at home all day except going down to Halland.