Sunday, May 11 1760

In the morning Thomas Davy, myself and Mr Long walked to Laughton Church (Mr Porter preaching there), the text in 2 Timothy 2:25: “In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth.”

We dined on a beef and bread pudding, greens and spinach. My wife, self and maid at church in the afternoon… After churchtime my wife, self and Mr Long walked down to Whyly to see Mr Calverley. We came home about 7:40. My brother came over in the evening, but did not stay. In the day read two of Tillotson’s sermons.

Tuesday, May 6 1760

Our servant gave Ben Shelley in cash £20 for him to pay in London for me this week… Gave Thomas Fuller in cash 3.11.0 in order for him to pay Mr Richard Cardin at Lewes in full on my account… Rec’d from Mr Cardin (by Thomas Fuller) a receipt for the money sent him this day by Thomas Fuller.

At home all day and but very little to do. I am very doubtful that my disorder in my side etc. is of a strumous kind, and what gives me the greater room to think as is that the left parotid is very much swelled.

Monday, May 5 1760

…We dined on a piece of bacon boiled, a light pudding and greens. Mrs Atkins, Mrs Plumer, Mrs Brook and Mrs Hicks drank tea at our house. Rec’d of Mr Will Piper 16/- in full for money I paid for him on the parish account; viz.,

To Thomas Ling0.10.0
To Richard Braizer0.6.0

At home all day. My brother called on me in his way to Lewes, but did not stay. In the evening wrote my London letters.

Sunday, May 4 1760

My wife and servant at church in the morning. We dined on the remains of yesterday’s dinner, with the addition of a plain rice pudding. No service at our church in the afternoon, Mr Porter preaching at Laughton. Mr Long drank tea with us. In the evening and day read two of Tillotson’s sermons. In the evening my wife went down to see Mr Porter’s two youngest children, who are both very ill with fevers and inflammation of the lungs. Dr Stone paid me another visit. Thank God something better.