Wednesday, March 30 1757

In the morning about 4:30 I went down to Whyly and called up Mr French and informed him of what I had done. He and Sarah Vinal, the man etc. breakfasted with us. After breakfast, the man agreeing to marry Sarah, we then set off for Lewes in order to get a license; viz., the man, John Watford, Joseph Fuller Jr and myself and Mr French, who met us at Mr Sam Gibbs’s. We accordingly got the license at Mr Michell’s, Mr French being the bondsman for Tull. Also Mr French was sworn that the girl had lived in the parish for 4 weeks last past, and the man also that his parish was Newport in the Isle of Wight. We dined at the White Horse on shoulder of mutton roasted, a piece of pork boiled, greens, a butter pudding, cake and pickles. (My family at home dined on the remains of yesterday’s dinner with the addition of a piece of pork boiled and turnips). I received of Mr Michell in cash 13.18.3 for poor tax for his Grace the Duke of Newcastle.

We came home about 5:45. Spent on the parish account today as under; viz.,

At Martin’s as we went0.1.5
Do. At Lewes0.5.6
Do. At Martin’s0.0.8¼
To a ring0.1.6

A thorough wet day. I called in Lewes at Mr Madgwick’s, Mr Rice’s and Mr Bennett’s.

Wednesday, August 13 1755

Called up about 6 o’clock. Wrote to Mr Thomas Friend to let him know my wool will be ready for sale about the middle of next week, and gave him the preference before another. Sent by Bonwick’s carter a crock of butter which weighed 39 lbs to Mr John Wilson, which I had from Mrs Cayley. About 6:30 I was sent for down to Halland to bring my bill. Went down with it and received of Mr John Greening 13.17.0 in full on account of the Duke of Newcastle to this day. Heard from the assize by Mr French. Two cast at the last assize now to be transported for 14 years and the boy tried this time, acquitted. At home all day. Paid for butter 3d. Read several numbers of the 4th volume of The Tatler. Gave away 1½d. Lent my horse to Master Marchant.

Saturday, August 9 1755

At home all day except at Halland 3 times. S. Gibbs sent me a shoulder of venison; gave his man 12d. Paid Joseph Fuller 2/6 for 10 lbs of beef. Samuel Elphick Jr brought me 2 rabbits for a present. Paid for bread ½d. This day the Duke of Newcastle came to Halland about 7 o’clock in the evening. Paid for butter 3d.