Tuesday, August 12 1755

Sent Messrs Margesson and Collison by Frank Smith, paid to him in hand, 13.10.0 and returned them at the same time as under:

6 susis at 21d              0.10.6

3 do. at 24                   0.6.0

1 Doz linen                 0.5.0

1 doz do.                     0.6.6

1 doz do.                     0.6.9

1 doz do.                     0.7.9

1 doz do.                     0.8.0

L doz do.                     0.9.0

1 doz do.                     0.10.0


This day Mrs Virgoe dined with us on a shoulder of venison. Mrs Vine Jr drank tea with us in the afternoon. At home all day. Paid for bread ½d. In the evening read part of the 4th volume of The Tatler, in which I find some very agreeable stories, in particular one wherein a beautiful and virtuous young lady is ruined by a young debauchee and a sordid parent, his father.

Monday, August 11 1755

At home all day. Nothing of moment. Paid for bread ½d. Mr Miller sent me for a present 4 pikes and one carp. This day the assizes at Lewes and only one prisoner. Gave a couple of travellers 1d. Read part of the 4th volume of The Tatler. Rec’d of Rippington’s boys 6d for a week’s schooling. Sent a 36/- piece by Goldsmith, Bonwick’s carter, to Tooth the gingerbread baker at Lewes.

Sunday, August 10 1755

This day the public day was at Halland. The 2 judges came from Lewes and dined there. There was on the whole but a small company. I was there about 4 times. I came home the last time about 9:20 with several of our parishioners, a little matter enlivened by liquor, but no ways drunk. Paid 2d for bread. Not at church all day, neither looked in any book all day except The Tatler. My wife after dinner went down to Halland to see the turtle [for soup?]. Our maid went to Framfield; was gone all day. Ed Smith called to see us in the evening.