Monday, November 3 1755

My brother and I got up about 5:30 and set out for Wadhurst. Called at Francis Smith’s; paid him… in full… We went forward for Wadhurst Fair; dined at Mr William Noakes’s and received of him 9.1.0 in full for the money he received for my rags, which I weighed of the 20th October; to wit,6 cwt O qr 18 lbs at. 29/6 per cwt. Paid him for carriage 12/6. We went from thence to Wadhurst. Called on Mr Samuel and Will Plasted and on Mr William Gurrs. Paid for beer and oats for my horse 5d; gave the ostler 1d. Came from Wadhurst about 3:20. Called at Mayfield; paid 3d for my quota in half a pint of wine. Came home about 7:10. Paid my mother by my brother in cash £6, which I borrowed of her the 1st instant.

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