Saturday, November 1 1755

My brother Moses came over and dined with us and stayed and kept shop while my wife and I went to Lewes. We set out about 2 o’clock; got there about 3:45. I paid Mr Thomas Friend 9.11.0 in full to this day… I received of Mr John Plumer 2.11.9 in full for the use of Mrs Mary Virgoe, which money he received of Mr Nicholas Shepherd, it being the balance of an account between Mr Shepherd and Mr Isaac Virgoe deceased. I paid Mr Joseph Attersall in cash 6/3 in full to this day; paid him 2/1 in cash in full for my mother. I paid Mr Edward Verral in cash 0.11.10½ in full to this day. Paid Mr William Roase in cash 1.19.9½ in full to the 8th August last. We spent the evening at Mr Roase’s and lay there. Paid the turnpike 2d. I insured Mrs Mary Virgoe’s house in Lewes in the Sun Fire Insurance for £300, which will cost her the annual sum of 9/-, it being 3/- per cent per annum, on account of its being deemed hazardous insurance, or otherwise it would have been but 2/- per cent per annum; the policy and carriage etc. will cost about 8/-. Borrowed of my mother, by my brother, £6.

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