This day balanced account with John Watford Jr and received of him 3.11.0 in full to this day as under:
My bill on him 3.19.1¾
Rec’d by a pig 0.2.0
Rec’d by carrying of dung 0.1.6
Rec’d by the surveyor’s tax 0.4.0
ditto by straw 0.0.6
At home all day. John Hall called on me in the forenoon. Paid Thomas Freeman by his man 17/6 as under in full to this day; to wit:
to 19 prs pattens rec’d today at 9d 0.14.3
to 1 pr rec’d some time since 0.0.9
to 6 prs clogs rec’d today 0.2.6
Paid for dough ½d. In the evening wrote to Edward Smith.