My brother Moses called on me in the morning, and over persuaded me to go to Lewes with him, which I did on a horse I borrowed of Mr French. I paid, Mr Faulkner Bristow 1/- in full to this day, and for 6 lbs of Battle powder and 1 doz of dairy brushes, 12/-, which I bought of him today. Paid Mrs Sarah Mott 16/- in full for 1 year’s interest on £20 due in November last. Bought of Mr Roase 18 cwt of Cheshire and Warwickshire cheese. Called on Mr Hook, Mr Scrase, Dr Snelling, Mr Plumer and Mr Lambert. I came home again in liquor, but got home very well; though to do myself justice, I believe I was not extremely good humored when I got home, and I do think I am prodigiously silly and apish when I am in liquor, having always, for a great while after, a sting of conscience for the same. I will, however, renew my former resolution and use my utmost endeavor to keep to it; that is, not to get drunk again if I can avoid it. Spent for my horse and self 2/-. Drew on Messrs Margesson and Collison… £10 to Mr John Crouch. Thomas Davy taught school for me.