This day I found, by looking over my accounts, that when Mr French and I balanced accounts on the 8th day of January, he charged me with only 6 loads of wood in the year 1753, though I think I must inevitably have had in that year 8 loads, for I well remember I had both wood and faggots of Mr French in that year. Of Mr John Vine I am assured I bought 2 cords. Now Mr James Hutson fetched all my wood that year (for I bought it all in the place, [i.e., standing]), and he charges me for the carriage of 10 loads. When Mr Vine and I balanced, he had omitted the 2 cords of wood, but that I have since told him of. So as Mr French charged me with but 6 loads, I must consequently owe him for 2 loads more. For dinner we had a piece of bacon, prune pudding and potatoes. A great deal of rain fell in the night, and it continued raining all the morning. About 1 o’clock there fell a great deal of snow, and in remarkable large flakes, but did not continue long. At home all day…