This day Francis Smith and I balanced our account as to the money I have sent him to pay in London for me, and there was due to me 0.8.9½ … [He] paid for 1 gammon of bacon which I got for W. Harvey, 0.6.2½. I gave him today in cash 7.11.2½, which with the above balance of 0.8.9½ makes together £8, which he is to pay in London for me this week. Dame Vinal a-washing for us today. We dined on the scrag end of the neck of veal bought on Saturday with a piece of pork, light pudding and greens. Paid Thomas Freeman by his servant Nicholas Summers 0.12.4; to wit by cash 10/4 and by 1 pair of worsted hose 2/-, in full to this day… Paid Dame Vinal for washing 9d. Hilled up my beans and peas.