Sunday, August 8 1756

In the morning got up, and I with Thomas Durrant went up to Master Piper’s for some butter. Paid 6d for a pound. Called at John Vine’s for a 1d milk. Just before churchtime my mother and brother and Mr Beard and his wife came in, and they with myself and nephew went to church… They all dined at our house on 2 roasted ducks (of our own breed), a piece of bacon, a leg of mutton, cauliflowers and carrots, with a currant pond pudding boiled. They stayed and drank tea at our house, as did John Vine Jr and his wife, and all went away about 7 o’clock. Our maid at church in the afternoon.

After they were gone, read one of Tillotson’s sermons wherein he shows the method and instructions for keeping a truly religious fast, and which I think an excellent sermon. I also read the Bishop of London’s letter to the clergy and inhabitants of the cities of London and Westminster, written in the year 1750 on occasion of the 2 shocks of an earthquake felt in the two cities in the same year. He exhorts all degrees and ages of mankind to amend their lives and return unto the Lord their God. I think it a very good thing. It seems to be written with that earnestness of spirit as becomes one who has the care of so many souls committed to his charge…

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