…Afterwards–that is, after breakfast–went to Mr Dicker’s for to receive a small bill (along with Robert Hook), but did not get it. From thence we went to a cricket match played on Cliffe Hill between the Parish of Mayfield and an eleven pretended to have been chosen out of the whole county–but it was only to draw people together. Mayfield went in first and got 78 runs- The pretended county eleven got 55. Then Mayfield went in and got 73. The county men got about 10, and 3 wickets down, when their time expired. Saw Mr Beard, who told me I could not have above 1 or 2 at the most of the 4 pieces of hop-bagging I bought of him the 20th of June. Oh, scandalous! I came home from the Broyle behind Mr John Vine Jr. Spent 7½d. This day received of Mr John Vine 2 hundred house faggots. My family dined on a skirt pudding, and I on nothing. John Watford’s wife drank tea with my wife. I came home about 9:40.