Sunday, September 12 1756

In the morning about 5:20 my wife and I set out on our intended journey and went by Framfield in order to call Moses and Sally, whom, when we came, we found disappointed in getting of a horse to go upon so Sally could not go. We did not get off our horse nor stop any longer than the time my brother was a-dressing himself. He walked with us to Uckfield where he hired a horse and went with us to Chailey–or at least came after us. For while his horse was a-catching etc., we went softly on thinking he would overtake us, but he never did though he came to Chailey in less than 5 minutes after we were got in.

We got to Chailey about 9:05. We breakfasted at Mr Beard’s and went to church there. We heard a very good sermon preached by the Rev Mr Ralph Clutton (curate to the Rev Mr Richard Porter) from the 8th verse of the 19th Psalm: “The statutes of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart: the commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes.” My wife, my brother, and myself dined at Mr Beard’s (in company with a man and woman, who, I understood, came from Lindfield) on a piece of bacon boiled and turned cabbage, a pieces of beef roasted, plum suet pudding, horse radish and cucumbers. My family dined at home on a sheep’s heart pudding. There being no sermon there in the afternoon, I did not go to church. We drank tea at Mr Beard’s and stayed till about 6:45. My brother came with us to Uckfield where we parted. We got home about 9 o’clock, and very sober. I paid Mr George Beard 20/- in full for a piece of poking (hop-bagging) received from him the 4th instant. We spent in all 18d; viz,

My wife to the maid0.0.6
Myself to do.0.0.6
Myself to Dicky0.0.6

I think Mr Beard is very happily situated with regard to trade, but I doubt not very much so in his wife. But as he got to bed to her beforehand, he must be said to have done very justly in marrying, of her.

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