This day Thomas Roase and Catharine Clarke were married at our church and are, I believe, an old maid and an old bachelor. Paid John Streeter the post 2/- for the watch I received from him for Driver… Dame Vinal a-washing half the day for us. Paid Dame Trill 8/-; viz., 3/- in full for keeping Ann Braizer, due today, and 5/- for their monthly pay, due yesterday, Mr French paying all the other poor for me yesterday, which I am indebted to him for as under:
To Edward Babcock | 0.4.0 |
To Ann Wood | o.4.0 |
To Widow Pilfold | 0.6.0 |
To Dame Streeter for doing for do. | 0.3.0 |
0.17.0 |
Dame Martin and Dame Trill drank tea with us. Thomas Davy sat with us a while in the evening… At home all day and very busy.