Wednesday, November 3 1756

Very wet all the forenoon. We dined on the whiting sent me yesterday from my brother, a few rashers of bacon and some pea broth for my dinner, Paid Francis Smith in cash 1.12.7 as under:

For 20¾ lbs bacon0.8.2
Carriage of do.0.0.7
For 1 white wine pipe0.10.6
For 1 pk. gin for myself0.5.0
For 2 gals brandy for Will Eldridge0.8.4

At home all day, and in the afternoon read part of Chesselden’s Anatomy. In the evening read a sermon written by the Rev Robert Warren D.D. entitled, “The Churchman’s Daily Companion”, being the second sermon on this subject, and which I think a very good one; he fully explains the necessity and usefulness of frequenting public prayer.

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