Monday, January 3 1757

In the morning went over to Framfield where I arrived about 9:45. After eating a mouthful or 2 of buttered toast and drinking a few dishes tea, and also looking over and tallying and taking an account of the gloves, hatbands, favors etc., I set out for the funeral of Alice Stevens, otherwise Smith, natural daughter of Ben Stevens (at whose house she died). I got to the funeral house about 11:50 where my brother Moses came to me soon after, in order to learn to serve a funeral and also to give me what assistance he could. The young woman’s age was 28 years, and I think I never saw any person lament the death of anyone more than Ben Stevens did for this poor girl, his daughter. After serving the funeral, as soon as it was possible we could, we set out for Buxted Church where she was to be buried, with a large company of people (she being carried on men’s shoulders). We arrived about 4:20 where we had an excellent sermon preached by the Rev Mr Lawson, Curate of Buxted, from Hebrews 9:27: “And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment.” The young woman was laid in the ground about 5:50 after staying at the grave about 15 minutes, it being dug too small. When all was over, my brother, Charles Diggens and myself came to Framfield. I stayed at my mother’s and baited; then my brother came home with me and stayed and spent the evening with us, and stayed all night. We came home exactly at 8 o’clock. I received of my mother in cash 4/- and by old gold and silver 16/-, which, with the 4 pounds sent me the 30th December, makes together £5 which I have borrowed of her. My mother gave me 12d for my gloves given me at the funeral and for silk used in tying up the favors. I gave away hatbands, favors, gloves etc. at the funeral for my mother’s use as under:

Hatbands in all, 9; viz.,

Ben Stevens SrSam Smith
Henry Stevens SrArthur Knight
Will Stevens SrEd Willet
Richard StevensThomas Ware
John Newnham

Favors in all, 12; viz.,

1.Mary Ware
2.Jane Stevens
3.Elizabeth Willet
4.Mary Ware
5.Francis Smith
6.Sarah Colgate
7.Henry Stevens Jr
8.Ben Stevens Jr
9.Ed Willet
10.Richard Savage
11.John Staply
12.Richard Figg

2d chamois gloves, 1 pr.; viz., Benjamin Stevens Sr.

Women’s white lamb gloves in all, 24 prs:

1.Mrs Willet
2.Mary Ware
3.Lucy Diggens
4.Mary Ware [again?]
5.Mrs Attree
6.Mrs Ware
7.Elizabeth Willet
8.Sarah Willet
9.Mrs Stevens
10.Mrs Stevens
11.Jane Stevens
12.Elizabeth Stevens
13.Mary Russell
14.Sarah Colgate
15.Mary Colgate
16.Frances Smith
17.Mrs Stevens
18Dame Newman
19.Elizabeth Ware
20.Dame Stevens
21.Dame Limpass
22.Hannah Simonds
23.Dame Belton
24.Mary Devonish

Men’s white lamb gloves in all 35 prs:

1.Thomas Attree
2.Ed Willet Jr
3.John Staply
4.John Buckwell
5.Ben Stevens Jr
6.Richard Tealing
7.John Stevens
8.Thomas Starr
9.John Cornwell
10.Charles Diggens
11.Robert Diggens
12.Richard Savage
13.John Smith
14.Henry Stevens Jr
15.John Cornwell
16.Will Cornwell
17.Will Novice
18.Ben Stevens Jr
19.Will Stevens Jr
20.Richard Figg
21.John Evans
22.John Shelly
23.Thomas Card
24.Henry Stevens Sr
25.Will Stevens Sr
26.Richard Stevens
27.John Newnham
28.Sam Smith
29.Arthur Knight
30.Ed Willet Sr
31.Thomas Ware
32.The Rev Mr Lawson
33.Will Devonish
34.Thomas Turner
35.Moses Turner

John Newnham’s 2 sons to have each a pair…

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