Sunday, January 16 1757

My wife very ill. While the people were at church in the forenoon I set out for Framfield where I met Mr John Collison. We both dined at my mother’s on the best end of a neck of veal roasted (my family at home dining on a hog-meat pudding)… I afterwards balanced accounts with Mr John Collison as under: We balanced the cash account, when there remained due to me, on the same, 10.0.7½, which balance we carried to the credit of my account for goods, which we then balanced. I gave the bill, value £30, which I received of Mr Smith [this morning], and received of him in cash 4.6.6; so I paid him out of that bill 25.13.6; viz., 15.13.6 on my own account, which leaves £15 to balance on my own account, and the remaining £10 out of the 25.13.6 I paid him on my mother’s account, which is in full for the money I received of her the 30th December and the 3rd and 11th of January. I gave Mr Collison to dispose of for me in old gold 9 pennyweight and 12 grains, and in old sliver 2 oz 12 gr. We stayed and drank tea at my mother’s and then Mr Collison set out for his inn at Maresfield. Thomas Davy being at Framfield at his mother’s, he called me and we came home together about 7 o’clock. He stayed and supped with us.

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