Wednesday, January 12 1757

In the morning we arose and breakfasted with Mr Hook… I called on Mr Thomas Scrase. I paid Mr Bristow 12/- in full and bought 3 lbs gunpowder, for which I also paid him. I called on Mr John Madgwick and also on Mr George Verral, where we dined on some cold beef and sausages… I also paid him 1.6.0 in full. I paid Mr Robert Plumer 12.9.6 in full on my mother’s account, and also 5.7.10 on my own account… I also balanced accounts with Mr Will Rice and received of him 2.17.8 in full to this day. I paid Mrs Sarah Mott 16/-in full for year’s interest due on a bond in November last. Paid at Dr Davy’s 18d for 1 box of pills for my wife. It being very bad weather, we stayed at the Cats all night, and I might as well say I was not sober, though in truth I drank nothing all day- – I am sure not more than 1 bottle of beer. I also stayed in part for having some hopes of receiving of Mr Cooper the balance of his account, which has been due – – some of it–2 years, and which he promised me last night he would certainly pay me.

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