Friday, January 21 1757

…My wife very ill. This day paid Richard Jenner 20/-, which with the 3.10.3 paid him the 28 December is in full for the butter I had put up by him for Mr Isaac Hook of Lewes, and of which I have not received one farthing. In the evening read 4 of Tillotson’s sermons. Also looking over in the day Martin’s Magazine for November, I find the following particulars of the place of my birth; viz., Groombridge, about 3 miles from Tunbridge Wells, in the Parish of Speldhurst, anciently the seat of the noble family of Cobham, had a market on Thursdays and a chapel of ease, too, belonging to Speldhurst, and since descended to the Clintons and Waller, that renowned soldier. He, in the reign of Henry V took Charles, Duke of Orleans, general of the French army, prisoner at the battle of Agincourt and held him in honorable custody at Groombridge, which a manuscript in the herald’ office mentions to be 25 years. In the time of this this his recess he newly erected the house at Groombridge on the old foundation and was a benefactor to the repair of Speldhurst Church.

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