Sunday, January 23 1757

In the morning about 5:30 Thomas Davy and I set out for Hartfield, it being a fine frosty morning. We arrived at Hartfield about 10:30. The reason of my going to Hartfield was on account of our hearing of Sam and Ann Slater’s being very ill, the former of which I think to be in a very dangerous way, but the latter is only ill with a cold. I should have mentioned we lost our road in the forest for near an hour or more. We dined at my father Slater’s in company with Mr Watis (officer of excise) on a sparerib roasted, a knuckle of pork, and part of a neck of mutton boiled, potatoes and apple-sauce… We spent the afternoon and evening at my father Slater’s, who I think received us in a very civil and handsome manner and entertained us in a very free and generous manner. I really think [he] was sincerely glad to see me, but I wish I could say the same of my mother Slater, who seems, I think, to look upon me with an envious and scornful eye. Oftentimes in her talk [she] seems to level a sharp satirical sentence or two at me, but there, let it pass, and God bless her. We lay at my father’s all night. Mrs French and her daughter Molly, with Mrs Fuller and her husband, drank tea with my wife in my absence.

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