Friday, September 2 1757

John Watford a-gardening for me all day… In the forenoon my brother came over, but did not stay. I gave him 7/6 to pay for the keeping of my colt due on Tuesday next. Dame Smith of Laughton and her daughter drank tea with us, they buying many things in the shop… At home all day and at work in my garden the greatest part of the day. In the evening wrote out a list for John Watford of people in this parish properly qualified to serve in the militia; viz., all such as are between the ages of 18 and 50, parish and peace officers and apprentices excepted, which in our parish, according to the said list amount to 45 persons. I also wrote him out a list of the persons properly qualified to serve on juries in this parish, which are but 6. In the evening read one of Tillotson’s sermons.

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