Monday, September 19 1757

In the morning pretty busy. After breakfast John Watford and myself set out for Selmeston Fair. I went in order to talk to Dr Snelling concerning my eyes’ being very bad. We arrived at the fair about 12:30, where, after walking till near 6 o’clock Mr Piper, myself and Joh Watford came home; we arrived about 7:20, I paid Thomas Bean at the fair 4/- for making out my perry the 13th instant. I think this to be as pleasant and large a fair as I ever saw in the county of Sussex, there being great numbers of sheep and cattle and a great number of people. My family at home in my absence dined on the remains of yesterday’s dinner, as did myself in the evening when I came home, for I neither ate nor drank at the fair. Spent 4½d; viz.,

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This day received a letter by the post from the new state lottery office in Cornhill that No. 66611 (Thomas Davy’s and our servant’s ticket) was drawn the 17th instant, a blank.

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