Monday, November 28 1757

In the morning went down to Mr Porter’s and I received of him one bill on Messrs Swainstone and Hedges, hop-factors in Southwark… in lieu of which I gave Mr Porter my note of hand… He also informed me that one Wright had paid some money to Messrs Margesson and Collison on my account for him. I sent by the post today to Mr James Burfield of Steyning one bill on Messrs Margesson and Collison… of which bill 1.17.6 is in full for one year’s rent due from John Streeter at Lady Day last, and which money I received of him the 23rd of Oct. The remaining part; viz., 2.7.6 is in full for one year’s rent, due at old St Michael for the house which Susan Burrage lives in, and is on account of the parish.

We dined on the remains of yesterday’s dinner with the addition of some onion sauce. Mrs Burgess drank tea with us, and Mr Burgess stayed and smoked a pipe or two with me in the evening. In the first part of the evening wrote my London letters, and in the latter part read part of Sherlock upon death. This day Thomas Osborne came to me and offered me his bond to indemnify and save harmless this parish from any charge that shall ever arise touching or concerning his servant’s being now pregnant, and from all charges that shall or may arise there from. Rec’d today of Dame Weller 22½d on account.

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