Monday, January 9 1758

Paid Dame Trill (by Anne Braizer) 2/- on account of the parish for Mr Burgess. Paid John Juce in cash 10/6, which was due to him from this parish (for the keeping of a girl which belongs to this parish) at Easter last, and which I accordingly passed in my accounts made up with the parish on Easter Monday. We dined on the remains of yesterday’s dinner. Rec’d of Sam Elphick in cash 0.10.6 (which is between my mother and self) for keeping his horse 8 weeks upon the farm at Framfield during the time my mother and I used the said farm jointly between us. I also agreed with him (upon condition that my mother approves of it) for him to feed out all the hay we have now left on the farm at 18d per head per week for every separate head of cattle that he shall feed therein. In the evening I balanced accounts with Mr Francis Elless and received of him 6.11.0 in full to this day; viz.,

Mr. Francis Elless Dr.
To sundry goods to this day8.11.11¾
Per Contra Cr.
Rec’d by a bill for the boys’ Schooling1.4.10
Do. by half pence at several times and by deficiency in silver for a guinea0.6.0
Do. in cash today6.11.0

After we had balanced the above account, Mr Elless and I agreed upon the rent of the chamber over the school, which I now am to use as a warehouse. I am to pay 20/- for the rent of it from the time I first took it until next Lady Day, N.S. (being near.2 years), ten shillings of which sum we agreed to outset for the tables, forms etc. which he had of me when I resigned the school to him. The remaining ten is to be passed to the credit of his account when it become due.

Mr Elless and James Marchant and myself and wife sat down to whist about 7 o’clock and played all night till 7 in the morning. My wife and I won 11d apiece. We spent the night very pleasant and, I think I may say, with innocent mirth, there being no oaths nor imprecations sounding from side to side, as too often is the case at cards.

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