Thursday, January 12 1758

Paid Joseph Fuller by his son Richard in full for the scrag end of a neck of mutton weighing 2 lbs. My brother Moses came over in the afternoon and stayed and dined with us on the remains of Tuesday’s dinner with the addition of the scrag end of the neck of mutton stewed. I received of my mother today by my brother in cash 2.8.0, which is in full for one year’s interest due on her note of hand of £60 to me the 25th ult. I then balanced an account of my mother’s with my brother and I paid him in cash 2/4; viz.,

Mrs Turner Dr.
To sundry goods3.19.10¾
To 4 lemons0.0.3¼
To cash paid today0.2.4
Per Contra Cr.
To cash received the 2nd instant3.l2.0
To a remnant cloth rec’d the 4th instant0.10.6

Charles Diggens called to see us in the evening, and he with Mr Elless stayed and played at whist with my wife and self till near 12 o’clock. My wife and I lost 11d each. They both stayed and supped with us on bread, cheese and apple-pie; etc.

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