Saturday, May 13 1758

…We dined today on some fried roach and some biscuit sopped. Paid the widow Virgoe in cash 8.9.0 and by a book debt 1.11.0… in full for the same sum borrowed of her by my wife the 8th of April. Paid Richard Prall and Edward Martin 7½d for slitting a batten for me. At home all day and very busy. In the evening finished reading Wake’s Catechism, which I think a very good book and proper for all families, there being good instructions in it and also something which is prodigious moving. It was written in a lively, brisk manner and not as if the author wrote more out of form than for the good of peoples’ souls. At the same time it is in a very plain, familiar style, suitable I think to the meanest capacities that can read. And so far as I can judge there is everything contained in it necessary to a man’s salvation.

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