Saturday, May 27 1758

In the morning went down to the Rev Mr Porter’s and received of him…6.6.0…as under:

To a note of hand which Mr Porter gave me the 4th January last7.17.0
To 1 earthen jar0.8.6
To the carriage of two salt fish0.0.6

I gave Mr Porter the note of hand he gave me the 4th of January and also took up mine which I gave him the 15th instant. Paid Joseph Fuller by his son Richard 18d for 1 leg of lamb received by him today, weighing 4½ lbs at 4d per lb. We dined on a light pudding and green salad. Mrs Vine the younger drank tea with us. Very busy all day; at work in my garden part of the day. In the evening read the 8th book of Paradise Lost. In the day read part of The Peerage of England. I have been in a continual anxiety of mind all this day by expecting to hear every minute of my success in Master Darby’s affair.

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