Sunday, May 28 1758

My whole family at church in the morning; that is, my wife and self… We had a brief read for fire, which amounted to £1100 and upwards. The poor sufferers chiefly lived at Great Haylen in the County of Southampton, and one of the sufferers was of the City of Chichester in this county. I collected 2/8, and 1d I am to put in for John Piper and 2d I gave myself makes collected in the whole upon this brief the sum of 0.2.11.

We dined on a leg of lamb boiled and spinach with some gooseberry pie. No churching at our church this afternoon, Mr Porter preaching at Laughton. At home all day. I read 1 of Tillotson’s sermons and part of Sherlock on judgment. Thomas Durrant, Thomas Davy and Mr Elless at our house in the evening a-drinking of syllabub, Thomas Durrant finding milk, and we cider etc.

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