Sunday, June 11 1758

In the morning Robert Hook made my wife a present of some roach, as did also Thomas Cornwell. My sister and the girl at church in the morning, myself and wife staying at home. We dined on a piece of bacon, and part of a breast of veal roasted, a rice and pearl barley pudding and spinach. My brother Moses came over after dinner; he and Thomas Durrant drank tea with us, and they together with Thomas Davy and Thomas Cornwell drank some syllabub with us.

My brother and sister went away about 8 o’clock. No service at our church in the afternoon, Mr Porter preaching at Laughton. My wife continues ill though much better. Mr Stone paid her another visit today… Gave my brother and sister 5 of the 6 roach given my wife today. At home all day.

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