Sunday, October 1 1758

Just before churchtime in the forenoon my brother Will came to see me. He and myself not at church (only my wife) this forenoon. My brother dined with us on a leg lamb and a piece of bacon boiled with some carrots. Just before churchtime in the afternoon my brother Moses came over and brought from my mother in cash 12.11.1 in full for a parcel had the 20th March last…

My wife, brother Will and servant at church in the afternoon. My brother Moses went away in churchtime. My brother William stayed and drank tea with us and then went home. In the evening read one of Tillotson’s sermons. Not at church all day, for I am so ashamed that even my very shadow as it were alarms and terrifies me. For I think everyone who looks me in the face thinks of my past misconduct.