Friday, April 20 1759

In the forenoon I walked over to Framfield where I met my brother Richard, and he according to our agreement opened my mother’s will and read it… She has given all her personal estate to be divided between my brothers Moses and Richard and my sister Sally. Her farm at Chiddingstone in the county of Kent she has given between myself, my brothers Moses and Richard and my sister Sally as tenants in common, and has charged my part with the payment of six pounds to my sister-in-law Elizabeth if she be living at the time of my mother’s death, but if she be not, I am to pay the same to a natural or base-born son of my said sister’s, named Philip. And she has made, constituted and appointed my brother Moses executor to her will…

After dinner I walked down to Mr Smith with my brother to ask him for his custom. We came back and drank tea at my brother’s, and I came home about 6:10… Sent Thomas Davy to Lewes for me today; he came back and supped with us. I gave him 12d for his journey. Oh, may the God of all mercy pour down his blessing upon my brothers and sister, as also upon myself, that we may live in peace and unity among ourselves and that we may have continual in our view the joyful hope of an eternity in heaven (though not by any works of our own, but only through the merit and mediation of Jesus Christ)!

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