Friday, December 28 1759

After breakfast I set out for Lewes where I dined with Mr Faulkner Bristow on some roast beef, broiled sausage and cold spare-rib (my family at home dining on the remains of Tuesday’s dinner, as did James Awcock and Thomas Durrant and my brother). My brother stayed and kept my wife company till nearly 4 o’clock…

Paid Mr Faulkner Bristow 19/- in full and then paid him 12/- in full for ¼ cwt of currants bought of him today… Rec’d of Mr Plumer 3/- in full for 2 lbs of Battle powder charged in my last account more than I had. Rec’d of Mr Will Lee in cash 9.10 0 which with taxes etc. outset is in full for one year’s rent due at St Michael last to Mrs Virgoe; viz.,

Mr Lee Dr.
for 1 year’s rent16.0.0
Per contra Cr,
To one year’s land tax due Lady Day 17583.0.0
To 1 year’s do. due Lady Day 17592.12.0
To 2 year’s insurance due Xtmas, 17600.18.0
Rec’d in cash9.10.0

Paid Robert Rice on account of his father Will Rice in cash £5 for Mrs Virgoe and gave him a bill on Mr William Lee, 10 days after date, for 3.7.0 in full for a quarter’s rent (when the 13/- for a quarter’s land tax is outset) due at Christmas just past… Spent 2d only on my own account for the turnpike. Came home very sober about 6:20.

After I came home, went down to Mr Porter’s and balanced accounts with him and received of him in cash 69.15.6 in full to this day. Stayed and supped there and came home about 10:50. Gave Winifred Akehurst 6d to her Christmas box.

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